Game Interface: Level Select Screen

Level Select Screen

Your objective when playing a single-player game is to advance through a series of mission levels until you complete the last level of the game. Each mission level, including training missions, is represented on the Level Select screen as a particular map region. The first mission level available to you is Hyde Park. From here you can branch to different levels, choosing from several different missions. The choices continue to branch as you work your way deeper into the game. You do not need to play all mission levels to reach the final level of the game, Parasite City.

For more information, see Main Menu: Single-Player: Starting a Game and Main Menu: Single-Player: Selecting a Level.

Click the following graphic for information on each item.

Map Regions/Mission Levels
Click any available map region to select the mission level you want to play. Each map region corresponds to a specific mission level. White regions indicate mission levels that have not been completed or that are newly available. Gray regions indicate completed mission levels.

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Training Missions
Training Missions 1 and 2 are accessible when you click these map regions on the Level Select screen. Learn how to create, command, jump into, and fire from vehicles. (For information on each of these vehicle actions, see
Game Interface: Game Screen.) Practice navigating units via the Squadron Manager and the map.

Hyde Park serves as both Training Mission 3 and the first mission level of the game. During Hyde Park, you will learn the relationship between power stations and the importance of acquiring energy.

For more information, see Introduction: Training Missions.

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Click to display the
Save/Load screen. On the Save/Load screen, you can load a game that is saved under a different name or load a game that is saved midlevel.

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Last Saved
Click to start the game at the exact point you last saved it. This button only appears when you have
saved a game midlevel.

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Main Menu
Click to return to the
Main Menu.

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Branch to Different Levels
You can play through all mission levels to reach the last level of the game, or you can bypass certain levels and reach the last level in a more direct manner. Your choice as to which level you choose to play affects the branching sequence of later levels. At times you may reach a standstill, finding it impossible to defeat your enemies along the pathway you've chosen. In this situation, you may have to replay an earlier level in order to acquire technology upgrades and enhance your vehicles.

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